Much like this publication, in October of this year, Fulks Family Dentistry will turn 13.
In 2008, after three years of practice as an associate in a nearby town, I moved to Benton, opened a scratch dental practice, and welcomed my child, all in a three week window
Fulks Family Dentistry began with one employee, two dental chairs and one patient.
He was a childhood friend who showed up at 8 am and was seated in chair one. Everything went smoothly. The dental work and the new equipment. We went to lunch at noon.
He returned at 1 pm to be my second patient, in chair two, where incredibly, everything worked there too.
As the years have gone by, we have been fortunate to see our practice grow. There are more of us now. And we have been blessed with more patients who trust us and consider us to be their dental home.
While there are some perks to a small, two operatory practice, growth has allowed us certain benefits.
Now with four hygienists, often we can schedule multiple family members in a single time slot. With more than one doctor in the office, we have flexibility in scheduling and expanded office hours.
Numbers are all around us. And many are important with significance and meaning.
We brush twice a day, for two minutes. We schedule cleanings twice a year. We have 20 baby teeth and 32 permanent teeth. We have one chance to make a positive first impression with a smile.
But ultimately, numbers make me think of time.
Time is something we only have so much of and I often find myself wasting it on things of little importance.
As we move forward into 2021, let’s remind ourselves to spend our time wisely and make the most of each day.
It’s my goal to buy as much time as I can in order to spend it with the ones I love and care about.
And don’t forget to floss.